WMN PWR T-Shirt #1, XXL

35.00 CHF

  • 100% cotton
  • white short sleeves
  • black screenprint

Show your support this International Women’s Day. Order one of our empowering t-shirts to wear on March 8th – or any other day of the year for that matter.

We kept them extra stylish but extra simple so they’re easy to wear and combine with any outfit on any day.

We wanted to do something as women supporting women. We wan’t to give you a product that will empower you and help you show how you feel this International Women’s Day. And we’re assigning this project to the amazing social enterprise Sector 7, that helps mothers in need (many of them refugees) by creating flexible work for them. Win-Win-Win. You in? Thought so.

1 in stock

  • 100% cotton
  • white short sleeves
  • black screenprint

Show your support this International Women’s Day. Order one of our empowering t-shirts to wear on March 8th – or any other day of the year for that matter.

We kept them extra stylish but extra simple so they’re easy to wear and combine with any outfit on any day.

We wanted to do something as women supporting women. We wan’t to give you a product that will empower you and help you show how you feel this International Women’s Day. And we’re assigning this project to the amazing social enterprise Sector 7, that helps mothers in need (many of them refugees) by creating flexible work for them. Win-Win-Win. You in? Thought so.


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